Join Our Development Team

Without some willing hands, Looe Shedders will struggle to develop from today’s small beginnings into a vibrant community, with new friends meeting often in our own premises, developing new skills and new interests.

There are many ways you can help us achieve this vision of our future and at the same time we will support you by providing an environment and facilities that will make the best use of your efforts.

A considerable amount of time and work is required to deliver this and we could use your help.

But if you just want to attend meetings and chat, that is quite alright.
Taking on new activities is not everyone’s cup of tea but chatting certainly is.

So, if you would like to help, but only if you are willing, in one of the following ways,
please email
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Ways you can get involved:

  • Fund raising – If you have a fund raising idea or just fancy helping out someone else, please let us know.
    The more people we have helping, the less work for others

  • Helping with the Repair Café
    If you have any good ideas or would like to be part of the Repair team, please let us know.

  • Reviewing drafts of our material
    We intend to produce a certain amount of printed material which will need testing for errors and effectiveness.
    Does it make sense?
    Does it read well?
    Does it work as designed?
    Have we missed anything?
    We really need the feedback and criticism is welcome but think of it as helping!
    You could help by volunteering to read the material and give us some blunt feedback.
    We would also welcome suggestions for improving our profile on social media and this Website

  • Helping with Grant applications
    Any experience welcome.

  • Contributing to the new shed planning process 
    If you have any good ideas or would like to be part of the planning conversation, please let us know.

  • Surfing the web 
    We need to identify the key organisations/companies within a wide radius of the town that could offer us their support to accompany grant or planning applications or even make a donation.
    If you are comfortable surfing the web, you could help by identifying local Parish Councils and Charitable Trusts, their chairperson’s name and contact details and the date and time when they meet. This will enable one of our team to contact them either by letter or with a short presentation to request their support.
    All this from the comfort of your own home.

  • Refurbishing saleable items or help sell them online - You could help by putting your practical skills to work refurbishing various donated items or by putting together photographs and a description of the items so they can be sold online.
    Alternatively, we could use some help with posting the items online, monitoring their progress and enabling the completion of the sale.

  • Joining Easy Fund Raising
    Every member can raise donations when they shop online by using Easy Fundraiser as recommended by the UK Men’s Sheds Association.
    Basically, sign up using this link to Easy Fundraising and nominate Looe Shedders as your cause.

    Then, when shopping online with one of over 6,000 retailers (note that online supermarket shopping is included), click a link that says “Click to get donation” and when you make a purchase, the retailer will donate money to us, for free.
    Note that you need to wait for the confirmation email before you click the first link, as the system needs time to register you across the network.